Children and Youth

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  • Children & Youth Ministries

  • Children & Youth Ministries

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Children's Ministry

Children's LIFT (Living in Faith Together) Classes meet on the 2nd floor of the Education Building Sunday mornings at 8:45. Classes are for ages 3 year through 5th grade, and include rotations through lessons, art, and library.  The curriculum for Children's LIFT is Follow Me from the PC(USA). 

The children regularly contribute to worship through corporate art projects that hang in the sanctuary for particular liturgical seasons and celebrations. 

Covenant Choir meets after worship on the second floor of the Education Building for 5 year olds through 5th Grade.

Children are regularly incorporated into the life of the congregation through All Ages LIFT on the first Sunday of the month, and church wide fellowship activities and retreats. The Epiphany Celebration is a favorite.

Youth Ministry

During LIFT (Living In Faith Together), the youth are part of the adult "Holy Trouble Makers and Unconventional Saints" class, which meets in the Church House Parlor. 

Youth group is for current 6th-12th graders, and meets on the first Sunday of the month from 5:30 - 7:30. The youth share a meal together and then participate in fellowship, worship planning, and outreach activities.

Youth Choir meets after the covenant choir, after worship on Sundays. For information about youth choir, contact Mrs. Casey.

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