
Outreach Opportunities

Within and Beyond the Gate

Upcoming Outreach Opportunities

The Presbyterian Church, as a member of the Interfaith Council Organization for over 50 years, supports programs to help our community. One such program is The Layette Program, providing needed baby items to new mothers at Mary Washington Hospital who need some assistance. Member churches collect items for donation.

As a fun way to celebrate these babies to be, we will be holding a “baby shower” during the Sunday Lunch on March 16th. Donated items can be dropped off at the church in a collection bin in Fellowship Hall anytime, or they can be brought to the lunch.

Needed items as requested from the maternity ward include:

• Onesies for girls or boys, 0-3 months or 3-6 months.

• Rompers/sleepers for girls and boys, 0-3 months or 3-6 months. These are the little outfits with feet that zipper up.

• Infant hats for boys and girls

• Infant socks for boys and girls

• Sleeper sacks for boys and girls Newborn diapers

• Receiving blankets for boys and girls They no longer accept hand knitted or crocheted blankets)

Along with the Interfaith Community Council, our Presbyterian Outreach committee thanks you for your support!

Questions? Contact Becky Paul or Connie Barnes (ICC representatives).

Photos from Micah Ministries' Coldest Night of the Year Walk

Ongoing Outreach Opportunities

Good Samaritan Fund

TPC has a Good Samaritan Fund that is available to people in the Fredericksburg, Stafford, and Spotsylvania area who are struggling with utility bills. We offer limited utility assistance, up to $100, to people in need. Our Good Samaritan Fund is once again dwindling, and we have to turn people away who are in need. We currently have enough to fund this mission for six more months at $1,600 per month to give away. If you would like to make a donation to this important ministry, you may donate online or by check with “Good Samaritan” written in the memo line.

Our Partners in Ministry

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